Online Gift Shop, South Africa


Ons Gaan Krugerwildtuin Toe


Made In South Africa

Ons Gaan Krugerwildtuin Toe

Ons Gaan Krugerwildtuin Toe, This is a captivating story of a family going on holiday to the Kruger National Park.

The marvellous illustrations capture much-loved family traditions.

the story includes underlying conservation-themed messages to provoke young minds

The book is written for Children to create a passion for the environment, and a new generation of environmental warriors.


About the Author

The Author was born and raised in South African.

The Author has a National Diploma in Ecotourism Management, and  worked as an Outdoor Educator, with a passion for wildlife conservation.

As a child the Author was often taken to Kruger National Park



Weight .50 kg
Dimensions 21 × 21 × 1 cm


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